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People are sharing their top piece of “restaurant etiquette” that they think everyone should follow.

Recent declines in restaurant etiquette may stem from various factors like decreased patience, increased self-importance, or a lack of social interaction practice. However, what matters most are the consequences of this behavior shift. How you behave while dining out impacts not just your server’s mood, but also the experiences of those around you and the restaurant’s well-being.

To address this trend, I reached out to BuzzFeed staffers from diverse backgrounds for their top dining dos and don’ts. Their tips, ranging from modern practices to timeless rules, serve as crucial guidelines for being a considerate customer in today’s world. From booking reservations to social media sharing and ordering etiquette, these rules ensure you’re a respectful patron and dining companion in 2023.



1. For reservations made through an app or any other method besides the restaurant’s official website or phone number, it is advisable to call the restaurant in advance to confirm that your booking has been successfully processed.

Reservation apps may be convenient, but they don’t always ensure 100% accuracy. It’s best to call ahead and double-check your table reservation to avoid any potential headaches for both you and the restaurant staff.





2. A party of eight or more should always call ahead before expecting prompt seating at a restaurant.

I’m not suggesting that you must reserve a table in advance, but a simple call just 30 minutes before your arrival with your sizable group can greatly enhance your chances of enjoying a meal together.


3. It is important for the person selecting the restaurant to ensure that everyone in the group is aware of the price range of the food.


It’s the year 2023, and the reality is that prices have skyrocketed across the board. In light of this, people ought to have the chance to voice their concerns about expensive options before finding themselves in a tough spot, having to split a hefty $75 per person bill. Additionally, if individuals openly admit that their current budget simply doesn’t permit such expenses, it is crucial that they are treated with the utmost respect.


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4. Please note that reservations that charge a fee for no-shows require special consideration. We kindly request that you contact the restaurant for a deposit refund only in cases of a genuine family emergency, serious illness, or a tragic loss of life.

Please understand that cancellations due to changes in plans or a friend’s unavailability cannot be considered for a deposit refund. Thank you for your understanding. Any reputable restaurant that requires a credit card to secure a reservation is likely charging a significant fee, and unless there are extenuating circumstances, it is advisable not to contest the no-show charge.

5. Don’t ask to be seated at a restaurant that’s closing in the next 30 minutes…but if for some wild reason you absolutely must, order and eat as quickly as possible.

Realistically, you should just find another restaurant that closes later…but if you can be in and out — in other words, don’t be the last people in the restaurant — you’re probably OK.


6. It is important that every member of your group arrives promptly at 7:30 p.m. for your reservation. We kindly ask that no individuals hold the table while others arrive later.


We understand the frustration when group birthdays don’t go as planned due to tardiness. As a standard practice, most restaurants require the entire party to be present before seating. Therefore, EVERYONE must BE PRESENT for a smooth dining experience.

7. If you happen to be running late for a date, a five-minute grace period is given. For meetings with friends, it’s a ten-minute allowance. (And let’s be honest, no need for inventing excuses about traffic.)

There’s no greater discomfort than being alone at a restaurant table, waiting for your missing date, partner, or friend. The situation worsens when you find yourself awkwardly lingering near the entrance, unable to be seated as an ‘incomplete party.’ In this era of 2023, your smartphone possesses the remarkable ability to seamlessly detect traffic or travel disruptions. Embrace the new norm of proactive planning.


8. Whether you find yourself behind schedule by just a few minutes or a substantial 45 minutes, we kindly request that you reach out to the restaurant and notify them of your delay. Your courtesy in making this call will be greatly appreciated.


It’s far superior to assuming the restaurant will mark you as a no-show, and truthfully, hosts can occasionally perform wonders and still manage to accommodate you with advance notice.

9. It is always considerate to call and inform a reservation you booked if you are unable to attend, even if they won’t charge you for a no-show.


If you can’t make it, it’s best to call the restaurant as soon as possible. However, even calling them up until five minutes after your reservation can still be helpful. By doing so, the restaurant can accommodate more guests, which can have a significant impact in the long run.


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10. When dining at a self-seating establishment, opt for the most suitable table size based on your party size.

For example, imagine you’re in a group of two, and you see two available tables: one for two people and another for four. In this situation, it’s considerate to choose the table for two. I’ve encountered many instances where someone takes a larger table without reason, leaving another group without a spot. However, if there are no other tables, it is acceptable to take a larger table. But remember, if a smaller table opens up nearby before your food arrives, it’s polite to move there. Furthermore, if the restaurant is busy and it’s appropriate, you can even offer to share a larger table with another group.

11. Avoid sitting side-by-side with your companion at a two-top table with a chair on one side and a long, communal bench on the other.


This behavior infringes on the space of other diners seated on the bench and creates significant inconvenience for them when they need to get up. While I generally disapprove of couples sitting on the same side of the table while dining out, this specific action is particularly disrespectful to others.


12. As a paying customer, you have the authority to request a different table. However, it’s important to remember that if we are unable to accommodate your request, it is not appropriate to respond negatively or rudely. Our team is here to ensure a pleasant dining experience for all, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in such situations.


Remember, appearances can be deceiving. In the world of restaurants, tables that appear open are often spoken for. Dining establishments are complex jigsaw puzzles, constantly accommodating incoming and outgoing guests. So, don’t be fooled by the seemingly available tables – chances are they aren’t truly up for grabs.

13. When dining at the bar, I suggest selecting seats that have open pairs nearby, even if it means sitting near a stranger on one side.

There’s nothing worse than forcing a couple to ask people to move over just so they can sit together, as a result of people wanting empty seats around them.


14. Ensure a seamless dining experience by settling your bar tab before being seated, regardless of the restaurant’s offer to conveniently transfer it to your table.

Many patrons spend 20-30 minutes enjoying a drink at the bar and even indulging in an appetizer if there happens to be a long wait, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! However, it is considered good etiquette to settle your bill at the bar before making your way to your table. Remember, the bartender who skillfully crafted your drinks while you patiently waited deserves that well-earned tip. Once settled, feel free to start a fresh tab with your server and continue your dining experience.

15. Refrain from helping yourself to the bartender’s fruit tray with lemons, limes, and other garnishes by going up to the bar. Instead, kindly request what you need, even if it requires a momentary wait.

Your friendly bartender is here to assist you. Avoid reaching for the fruit yourself – just think about the potential hygiene issues if many customers were to handle it! It’s definitely not the most appetizing thought.



