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Signs of a Toxic Company or Job to Watch for in an Interview

Since layoffs in 2023 continue to be a reality, the prospect of interviewing for new jobs can be quite daunting. However, it is crucial to stay vigilant and recognize interview red flags that you cannot afford to overlook.
1. Whenever a hiring manager tries to justify a low salary by highlighting the company’s supposed bonuses and raises, it’s a clear indication that these claims should not be taken at face value.
2. If during the interview they mention starting you at the minimum wage and reassessing after a month, be aware of this possibility.

3. Trying to convince you to begin without disclosing your compensation beforehand.

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4. When an interviewer suggests to the candidate that accepting a minimum salary within their offer range from the posting would be beneficial, they mention, “If we pay you more, you wouldn’t receive a bonus at the end of the year, and you’d feel disappointed when everyone else receives one.” However, the salary offered was $10k below the advertised range.

5. The interviewer expects employees who possess flexibility in their work schedules, including the ability to work evenings, weekends, and occasionally on holidays with short notice.

6. The interviewer consistently emphasizes your good fortune to have this opportunity, implying that they are doing you a favor by offering you the job.

7. Are you tired of being questioned about your past salary? Have you ever encountered employers seeking candidates with a mindset that surpasses the conventional 9 to 5? 

8. If the word ‘sales’ is mentioned in the job description, you can rest assured that sales will be your primary responsibility.

9. A valuable indicator to watch out for is when individuals appear to lack any discernible personality. It is always beneficial to engage in casual conversation with receptionists or interviewers as a means to establish a connection.

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10. If an older/established company has a predominantly young or new workforce, except for the higher-ups, or if their response to the question “What’s the best part about working here?” revolves around perks like a great location or free lunch rather than the actual job or company itself, these could be potential red flags.

11. When their remarks about the candidate they are considering for a position lack positivity. It should be noted that they may not be speaking ill of the individual, but rather engaging in subtle, passive-aggressive remarks.

12. If they ask you to make a payment to start working, be cautious as it could be a potential scam. It is advised to stay away from such offers and protect yourself.

13. When encountering the phrase “we’re like a startup,” it often raises concerns. This comparison typically implies that individuals are burdened with numerous responsibilities and are overwhelmed with work.

14. When they fail to recognize that an interview is taking place between both parties.


